
About Out Making Memories

Out Making Memories provides inspiration and information to anyone who likes reading about and trying new things.  I believe that adventures can be found wherever we are. Right here. Right now.

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Angineeki Jones

I am a writer and non-profit program manager who has traveled to cities and towns in 20 states and 16 countries, collecting friends, stories, and unbelievably memorable sunsets — all with two children in tow.  No matter how ordinary a place seems, if there is adventure to be had, I will find it!  I enjoy making memories with people who eat socially; drink socially; and who let me talk freely at the screen during a movie.  When I’m not writing, adulting, or saving the world, you’ll find playing tennis, trying not to get lost on a hiking trail, or hanging out with my husband and two children; for there’s nothing like observing a child experience the world .

Angineeki Jones is a freelance writer and content editor and enjoys covering interesting topics and new challenges.  Reach out to outmakingmemories@gmail.com to connect!